the cause of papillomas on the body

Papillomas or warts are the most common. The presence of skin tumors is noted in 80% of the population. This defect is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Tumors can occur on any part of the body: on the neck, arms, face, external genitals, as well as on internal organs. However, at first glance, these non-dangerous tumors can degenerate into malignancies and cause melanoma - skin cancer.

Papillomas are formed from the superficial skin epithelium (warts) and the mucous membranes of internal organs (condylomas). They can come in a variety of shapes, such as circles or clubs, are mostly pyramidal on the skin and have a characteristic color. Each wart has the same structure: the base of the connective tissue (collagen and elastin, in the composition of loose fibrous tissue, giving elasticity to the stromal framework), and the blood capillaries located in the middle. heart of warts.

Why a small papilloma appears on the body

The only cause of any growth in the body is damage caused by the HPV virus, which is caused by a weakened immune system. There are about 120 known viruses. Infection most often occurs after an inflammatory process. The activity of the HPV virus depends on the immune status and individual responses of the human body.

Small lesions in skin areas, various microscopic lesions, violation of the epidermal barrier allowing the virus to enter the upper layers of the skin. This virus does not circulate through the bloodstream but is located directly in the dermis. Therefore, the incubation period should not be less than 3 and not more than 5 months. It progresses with underlying symptoms. After only 5 months there will be clinically noticeable changes. The double helix DNA, which is part of it, ensures recurrence of the disease, even after an immune response or clinical treatment, since a single DNA is retained in cells of the epidermis.

There are four main causes of virus infections:

  • Family contact and reasons - physical contact (handshake) with the person carrying the virus, as well as the use of patient's personal hygiene items.
  • Inhibits general and local immune system activity, due to existing inflammatory processes or constant stress.
  • From mother to child (genital warts). Transmission at birth and high risk of progression and wide distribution.
  • Sexual contact with an HPV-infected patient in 50% of cases.
What a papilloma looks like on the body

Household contact transmission ranks first in the number of cases. The hands are the most exposed and unprotected part of the body. As a result, small papillomas often appear on the hands.


Papillomas are divided into several morphological classifications.

By size, differentiate: small and large papillomas.

The warts look like this:

  • Normal- localized in the free lumbar of the upper extremities: palm surface, back of hand, elbow, back of hand. They are spherical.
  • Simple- found throughout the body, usually located in the neck and arms. They look like a gray bubble emerging on the skin.
  • pointed- looks like a honeycomb. They are small and have a white, club-shaped exterior.
  • Seborrheic keratosisis ​​age-related warts. The keratin does not carry pathogenic properties of another origin.
  • Gaiis ​​the coarsest and hardest. Usually large and tall on the skin.

By location: warts (hands and feet), flat (papillae on the body), normal (hands), milia (on the skin surface of the feet).

The root cause of warts: congenital and acquired.

Usually, small papillomas can appear between patients. And it is this type that has the potential to form groups.

What is the danger of small papillomas

The danger of small papillomas is that they are virtually invisible on the body and can appear unexpectedly. This increases the risk of HPV infection.

how to remove small papillomas

If, after skin contact, you have small warts, see a dermatologist. A highly qualified doctor will distinguish the type of papilloma and the duration of existence, as the basis for indicating treatment.

Do not pick pimples, do not arbitrarily remove small papillomas and moreover, thanks to the support of folk methods. You can make yourself a spoiler! Since benign tumors are at risk of degenerating into cancer, the growing tumors must be removed in the clinic.

Certain types of human papillomavirus have a high ability to cause cancer. And they can cause not only skin cancer (melanoma), but also cancer of the cervix (in women) and anal ring (in men), forming polyps of internal organs.

Papillomas on the body, located in places with increased friction or damage to them must be removed urgently! To avoid diseases.

How to remove small papillomas by different methods

Since this defect occurs in women more often than in men, most of the removal of warts occurs on the initiative of the patient. Even for no apparent reason. How to remove papillae on the body?

Drug type of treatment:

  • The use of drugs that affect the immune system. Immunomodulators and immunomodulators, immunostimulants and other drugs that have an immunostimulating effect, enhance the immune response and normalize a specific impaired bond of the system. immune system.
  • Use of intramuscular and rectal suppositories with antiviral effects in combination with vitamins.
  • Drugs are prescribed to enhance the immune response, stimulate their own production of interferon.
  • The use of herbal medicine to strengthen the body.

Surgical treatment type:

  1. Surgical resectionis ​​the first method of removing a papilloma. It is popular among other categories. The removal of warts is done with all of the underlying tissue. The effectiveness of this method is 65%, and total recurrence is about 30%. One side effect of surgical removal is scarring. This technique is used to remove localized papillomas on the lower extremities.
  2. Chemical freezing- chemical burning of the wart. Used 95% silver nitrate, 17% salicylic acid and cantharidine. The most powerful is cantharidin. By penetrating the lower layers of the skin and destroying warts. A long and costly method. The efficiency of this technique is about 80%.

Method to remove very small papillae

How to remove "very small" papilloma? In modern clinics, there are many techniques to get rid of small warts without cosmetic defects.

If you intend to quickly and effectively get rid of nasty growths all over the body, here are some of the best techniques to get rid of very small clumps:

  • Cryotherapy.Freeze with liquid nitrogen. The fastest technique and the most reasonable cost will not exceed 15 minutes. Recommended for the removal of papillomas of the face and neck.
  • Laser destruction method.There are several types of lasers. The most common is the carbon dioxide laser. The last wound took place 7 days after surgery. Recommended for warts that are difficult to reach.
  • Photodynamic therapy for warts.Conducted with long wavelength light. The most effective method (95%), the accumulated scars are easily removed and leave no scars.

Prevent small growth

Prevention is always easier than cure! Let this slogan become your credit for life. In preventing the appearance of papillomas, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle. Get rid of bad habits (smoking) for your health! Strengthen the immune system and initiate treatment on time, if required. Reduce stress and get more rest. Try to eat well, get enough sleep, and spend time outdoors. Health monitoring, annual check-ups and periodic health checks. If you suspect HPV or papilloma, contact your doctor immediately. Follow the rules of prevention and you will not be concerned about any diseases.